Richard T. Melstrom
Working with students is an important part of my scholarship. Each year I mentor two undergraduate students through formal independent research projects and one or two graduate students. Below is a list of the projects we have worked on. Hover over the project title to see if a link to a paper is available.
Project title
Gregory Boudreaux
Willingness to pay for stormwater management infrastructure in Chicago
Leah Vasarhelyi
Kiera Grady
Climate change and California wine production
Christopher Hummel
Stock dynamics in the Lake Superior commercial fishery
Kevin Carroll
Drivers of day visits to Michigan state parks and campgrounds
Gabriella Rodriguez
Urban agriculture’s effect on crime: Evidence from Chicago
Megh Soni
Factors affecting the solar capacity of different regions across India
Matthew Kaefer
How diverse are preferences for urban fisheries? Evidence from a choice experiment
Who is multimodal? A spatial and demographic analysis of commuting in Chicago
Maris Yurdana
Effect of brownfield site cleanup on crime in Chicago
Kevin White
Brownfield cleanups and gentrification in Chicago
Luke Schmidt
The effect of climate change on weather-induced property damage and insurance costs
Jillian Hyink
Demand for farm-raised fish in the Great Lakes: What does consumer research tell us?
Residential location and changing water amenity values: Evidence from the Great Lakes
Cassidy Redding
Racial inequality in Chicago: Income and education
Valuing water remediation actions in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Camille Braswell
Effects of regulations and pricing on participation in recreational fishing
Joanna Szeremeta
Are water quality regulations fair to fish farmers? Evidence from a stated preference experiment
Marceline Azem
Does the public support regulating agriculture to protect water quality?
Nicolina Piccolo
The economic value of deer hunting in Indiana
The effect of endangered species regulations on residential moves in Michigan
Alex Nielsen
The recreational value of birding and species abundance of sandhill cranes
Susan Brand
Estimating non-market value for the Grand River watershed
Luke Boehm
Estimating the economic value of recreational fishing in Nebraska